These rules (the ‘rules’), as amended from time to time in accordance with the terms of the rules, are the rules of the lounge.
The name of the lounge is ‘The Harley Lounge”’ and it is located at 15 Cavendish Square, London W1G 9DB (referred to in these rules as the ‘lounge’).
The objects of the lounge are the provision of facilities and amenities of a private club, run on commercial principles, for the purpose of facilitating the social interaction and intercourse of persons connected with a professional background.
3.1 A membership team (the ‘team’) may be appointed by the board to promote the interests of the lounge.
3.2 Such team has authority, as prescribed by the board from time, over matters relating to membership.
3.3 Membership of the team is granted at the absolute discretion of the board and may be terminated and/or suspended at any time by the board.
4.1 Members shall consist of full members, overseas members, international members.
4.3 Every candidate for membership must be at least 21 years of age.
4.4 No employee or former employee of the company shall be elected a member without the consent of the Secretary.
4.5 The company may from time to time add additional categories of membership or amend the conditions attaching to each category of membership. Any such addition or amendment shall be posted on the lounge’s website for at least 14 days prior to its implementation.
4.6 Each member, whatever their category shall, in common with all other members, enjoy equal rights and privileges of the lounge subject to the provisions of these rules and the bye-laws and as the company may from time to time determine.
4.7 Each member, whatever their category, shall confirm and declare their primary residential and business address and apply for membership to the lounge which they will use most often.
5.1 The criteria/requirements for each classification/category of member shall be as follows:
6.1 The team may invite any person to become an honorary member who in the sole opinion of the committee:
6.2 The team shall have the power to elect any person it thinks proper (including an existing member) to be an honorary member.
6.3 An honorary member shall be entitled to full use of the lounge premises and facilities subject to these rules and the bye-laws.
6.4 An honorary member shall not be required to pay a joining fee or annual subscription.
6.5Any person offered honorary membership who is already any existing member shall, on accepting such offer, be deemed to have ceased to be a member but shall not be entitled to be reimbursed a proportionate part of the annual subscription in the year and, for as long as he is an honorary member, no annual subscription shall be payable.
6.6 Honorary membership is initially granted for a period of 12 months but may be terminated at any time by the team or the board without providing any reason. Upon the expiry of such period each honorary member shall be automatically re-elected annually unless the team or the board resolves not to re-elect such honorary member, or such honorary member’s membership is terminated.
7.1 The name and particulars of every candidate applying for membership shall be entered on a form provided by the Membership team. Candidates shall supply a photograph and such information concerning themselves and their candidature as the membership team may request.
7.2 Every candidate for membership must be supported by a proposer of whom shall be members and each of whom if required by the Secretary shall send to the Secretary a letter in support stating how long they have known the candidate and giving relevant information in support of their belief that the candidate is qualified for membership by virtue of their connection with, or interest in, the medical, finance, law, and profession and agreeable to the members.
7.3 There shall be a period of at least 48 hours between the team receiving an application and deciding on whether an application for membership is successful.
7.4 A candidate is required to meet with the membership team prior to the team considering their application unless the team decides in any particular case that such a meeting is not required.
7.5 The election of members shall be by the unanimous decision of the committee, who shall decide by secret ballot if necessary; one vote against a candidate shall exclude a candidate from becoming a member.
7.6 No reason shall be given to any candidate in the event of their non-election/membership.
7.7 If the team so elects, the approval of any new member will be subject to ratification by (a majority of) the team. If the team does not in such circumstances ratify such member, the team shall give notice to the candidate, and they shall immediately cease to be a member and shall not be eligible for reconsideration as a candidate for a period of one year from the date of the original application.
7.8 Upon approval by the team and (if applicable) ratification by the team, the Secretary shall notify the candidate that he/she has been elected as a member of the lounge conditional upon them complying with this rule, the Secretary shall supply the candidate with a copy of these rules and any bye-laws and shall request the candidate to deliver to the Secretary the following:
7.9 Failure by the candidate to comply with the provisions of rule within one month of notification shall (unless the team decides otherwise) result in cancellation of such candidate’s conditional right to become a member.
7.10 The team shall have the power to extend the periods for complying with the provisions of rules hereof for as long as it thinks fit.
7.11 On complying with the provisions of rules, the name of the candidate will be entered in the register of members maintained by the lounge as a member and forthwith will be entitled as a member to all the benefits and privileges of the club. Upon being so entered in the register of members, the member will be deemed to have agreed that he will be bound by these rules, all bye-laws, and the privacy notice (as amended from time to time), and all subsequent amendments to them.
7.12 Cancellation right of members:
7.13 The lounge’s privacy notice, sets out the terms on which the club processes any personal data of members (or their guests), or that members (or their guests) provide to the club or the company.
8.1 The joining fee payable by a member shall be such amount as the company shall from time to time determine and shall be non-refundable.
8.2 The annual subscription for each of the various categories shall be such amount as the company shall determine and shall be payable annually on such date as determined by the company.
8.3 The committee may apply an increase on any rate of annual subscription to any member by providing at least 14 days’ notice, which increase shall apply from their next renewal date, and the member shall be entitled to terminate their membership in accordance.
8.4 If a member shall for any reason cease to be a member before the whole of the annual subscription for the current year shall have been paid, then the unpaid balance shall immediately become payable.
8.5 If a member, having paid the annual subscription in advance for the relevant year, shall for any reason cease to be a member before the expiry of that year, he shall not be entitled to be reimbursed any part of that annual subscription.
8.6 The company may, however, at its absolute discretion, waive or reduce the subscription of any member or former member.
8.7 In the event of a former member applying to re-join the lounge, the company may waive the joining fee and may apply the current annual subscription rate applicable.
8.8 Current rates of subscription for each of the categories of the members shall be available on the lounge’s website for inspection.
8.9 Except as otherwise decided by the company, every member shall complete and deliver to the Secretary, and when required renew and at all times keep in existence a valid card, in order to provide for payment of their subscription and any other charges due pursuant to their membership, these rules, any bye-laws or their visit to the lounge.
8.10 If a member fails to pay any amount due from them to the company or the lounge within 7 days from the due date for payment, then the company will reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate the member’s membership and will apply the current annual subscription rate to any future memberships held by the member.
9.1 Renewal dates for annual subscriptions are set on the first day of the month of election as a member and recur annually unless the company determines otherwise.
9.2 Membership renewals are not automatic and are reviewed annually by the committee. The committee’s decision is final and may not be appealed. No reason for terminating or not renewing a membership shall be given.
9.3 Members will be given one month’s notice prior to their annual renewal date. If the subscription is not settled by the renewal date, a 7-day grace period will be given. Following this, the member will be considered overdue, and lounge access will not be granted. If the subscription is not settled within the next 7 days, the company will reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate the member’s membership. During this time, the lounge has the right to deny access until those fees are paid in full. The settlement will be backdated to the original renewal date, and the current published annual subscription rate will apply to any future membership applications made by the member.
9.6 A member may freeze their membership one time throughout the lifetime of their membership. This request must be submitted in writing within 30 days of their renewal date to avoid termination for non-payment. The length of the freeze is one year and cannot be extended nor shortened. If the member wants to reactivate their membership prior to the 1-year period, they may be subject to the payment of their dues backdated to their original renewal date. Upon reinstatement, their annual subscriptions will remain at their original membership tier unless the subscription has been increased across all membership tiers, in which case, the new rate will apply. The above also applies to international membership.
9.7 Should a membership be terminated for non-payment and the member wants to reactivate their membership within 1-year from termination, they may do so by paying the backdated amount to their original renewal date at the current rate of their original membership tier. Should a membership be terminated for non-payment and the member wants to reactivate their membership after 1-year from termination, they may do so but at the current rate and may need to resubmit an application.
10.1 Every member shall promptly inform the Membership team of any changes to their address, email, or other contact details and, in the case of a change of bankers, a new direct debit mandate must be completed and submitted to the Membership team.
10.2 A member must honestly declare the residential address at which they formally reside for the majority of the year and only apply for membership to the primary club, the one which is geographically close to this address; proof of address will be required; usage will be monitored by the company.
11.1 Subject to rules, members and guests (provided they are invited in accordance with the bye-laws), will be admitted to the members’ areas of the club during normal hours of admission.
11.2 Members must sign in at the front desk upon arrival, presenting their name, membership card, and the name/s of their guest/s.
11.4 Members must accompany guests introduced by them during the period of their stay in the lounge. Members may not be separated from their guests within the club or allow their guests to remain on the premises in the absence of the host member. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and must ensure guests abide by the rules, the bye-laws, and the privacy policy.
11.5 The Secretary may determine that on certain days members may not be admitted to the lounge or any part thereof, or to provide for the closure of the lounge at Christmas, on bank holidays, staff holidays, for exclusive private hire or for any reason at the absolute discretion of the company which justifies temporary closure.
11.6 The company or Secretary may refuse admission to the lounge to any person in their absolute discretion and without giving any reason.
12.1 A member may resign their membership at any time by letter or email delivered to the Secretary at the lounge address as shown on the lounge’s website.
12.2 The company or Secretary may expel any member or guest for breach of the rules and/or bye-laws at any time.
12.3 A member’s membership, and/or admission to the lounge’s premises, may be suspended or terminated at any time by the team in the event that the team considers that the conduct, reputation, or character of the member or the member’s guests, is or might be injurious to the character, reputation, or interests of the lounge or the company, or render that member unfit to associate with other members, or for any other reason at the company’s absolute discretion.
12.4 Having inquired into the events, if the company or Secretary is of the sole opinion in its absolute discretion that the member is, or is suspected to be, guilty of such conduct as mentioned in rules and/or has failed to justify or explain this conduct or behavior satisfactorily, it may either expel or suspend the offender at its absolute discretion.
12.5 Nothing in these rules or bye-laws shall prevent the company or Secretary from requesting a member to resign, and if such a request is complied with, within 14 days, no resolution of expulsion shall be proposed.
12.6 An expelled or suspended member, or a member that is requested to resign, may not return to the lounge as a guest.
12.7 A member expelled from the lounge forfeits all the privileges of membership without any entitlement to a claim for any refund of the joining fee. The company will refund the proportion of the subscription fee received for the current year as reflects the unused part of the year after termination.
12.8 In all matters of club discipline, the decision of the committee and/or company is final.
13.1 Members and their guests shall, at all times, comply with all local laws, regulations, rules, and customary practice relevant to the lounge and the United Kingdom.
13.2 Members and their guests must, at all times, treat all other members, guests, and members of the lounge staff with the utmost respect and shall not carry out any act or behavior which may cause any disrepute to another member, guest, the lounge, the company, or the United Kingdom.
13.3 Members and their guests are required to be attired in a clean and tidy manner when in the lounge, adhering to the dress code set out on the lounge’s website.
13.4 No drunkenness, bad language, violent or abusive behavior, or other misconduct is permitted on the premises.
13.3 All members shall before leaving the premises on each visit pay in full all charges incurred by them or their guests whether in respect of food, beverages, or any other matter.
13.4 No member or guest shall use the name or address, or colors, trademarks, photographs, trade dress, logo, or other identifying feature(s) of the lounge (the ‘lounge marks’) in any (including but not limited to): advertisement, marketing material, invitation, prospectus, or letterheading for business purposes save with the prior written approval of the Secretary as to the specific use.
13.5 Each member and its guests hereby expressly recognize that the lounge marks are the valid, unique, and exclusive property of the lounge and the company.
13.6 No member shall use the name or address of the lounge in any correspondence or article which is intended for publication without the prior written approval of the Secretary.
13.7 No member shall remove (except with the express permission of the Secretary) or damage or destroy any picture, item of furniture, or other article (including without limitation books, magazines, and newspapers) being the property of the company or lounge.
13.8 In the event that a member or guest of a member causes damage to or destruction of any such property then such a member shall be fully responsible for making good all loss suffered by the lounge or company as a result of such damage or destruction.
14.1 Members introducing guests are wholly responsible for the conduct of such guests: members must ensure that their guests are made aware of and abide by the rules, the bye-laws, and the privacy notice. Members can face suspension and/or termination of membership if their guests violate the rules, the bye-laws, and/or the privacy notice.
14.2 A member introducing guests will be responsible for ensuring full and prompt payment of the cost of all items consumed, ordered, and/or used by their guests.
14.3 Guests may not remain in the lounge once the sponsoring member has left the lounge premises or departed.
Property entrusted by a member or their guest(s) to a member of lounge staff for safe custody or for any other purpose, or left on the lounge’s premises, shall be entirely at the member’s/guest’s (as appropriate) own risk, and neither the company nor the club nor any employees of the lounge or the company (when acting in the course of their employment) shall be liable for any loss of, or damage to, such property or for any consequential loss or damage of any description
The company shall be empowered to negotiate arrangements with other similar membership clubs on such terms as it thinks fit to enable members to avail themselves of the facilities of any such lounge in return for such lounge making available its facilities to members.
16..1 All members of the lounge in respect of which reciprocal arrangements have been made pursuant to rules above ('reciprocal members') may use the club in accordance with the terms of their lounge’s respective reciprocal arrangements agreement in place with the lounge.
16..3 A reciprocal member may use the lounge in accordance with the individual lounge’s agreement in place with the lounge.
16..4 All reciprocal members shall be bound by the rules and any bye-laws of the lounge.
16..5 A reciprocal member may bring guests to the club upon the same terms as full members.
16..6 Reciprocal members must provide proof of their membership of the relevant reciprocal club and they must sign in the admission book details of such membership provided at the front desk at the club and must provide the name(s) of any guest(s).
18.1 All complaints shall be made in writing to the Secretary.
18.2 A member shall not personally reprimand a member of the lounge staff or any other member or guest.
19.1 On the occasion of any organized exhibition or event, exhibitors, persons accompanying them, persons invited by the company or Secretary are entitled to the privileges of membership for the occasion provided that:
These rules and/or the bye-laws may be revoked, supplemented or altered by the company at any time provided that members would be given 14 days’ notice of any such revocation, supplementation or alteration of these rules and/or bye-laws (as appropriate) and each member may terminate their membership before the changes take effect by notifying the company, and they will receive a refund of the proportion of the subscription fee as reflects the unused part of their current membership year after termination.
21.1 If the company fails to comply with these rules and/or the bye-laws (as appropriate), it is responsible for loss or damage a member suffers that is a foreseeable result of the company breaking these rules and/or the bye-laws (as appropriate) or failing to use reasonable care and skill, but the company is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if either it is obvious that it will happen or if, at the time of acceptance of a member’s membership, both the company and that member knew it might happen, for example, if the member notified the company during the application process.
21.2 Where the company is liable to a member under these rules and/or the bye-laws (as appropriate), other than for failing to provide services with reasonable skill and care, the company’s liability is limited to the total subscription fee paid by that member for the current membership year.
21.3 The company does not exclude or limit in any way liability to members where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by the company’s negligence or the negligence of its employees, agents, or subcontractors; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of a member’s legal rights in relation to the services provided by the company.
21.4 The company is not liable for business losses. If a member uses the club for any commercial or business purpose, the company will have no liability for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity.
Any dispute which may arise as to the meaning or interpretation of these rules and the bye-laws or as to the powers of the officers or employees of the company and/or the committee shall be determined by the board, whose decision is final and binding on all members.
In the event of dissolution of the company or club, the members shall not have any right to, or claim upon, any property of the company or club, or be required to share in any discharge of its obligations, nor be entitled to any refund/reimbursement of annual subscription.
24.1 The company may transfer its rights and obligations under the contract (which incorporates these rules and the bye-laws) with each member to someone else. A member needs the company’s consent to transfer their rights to someone else and may only transfer their rights or their obligations under these rules and bye-laws to another person if the company agrees to this in writing.
24.2 Nobody else has any rights under the contract (which incorporates these rules and the bye-laws) between the company and each member. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.
24.3 If a court finds any part of these rules and/or the bye-laws illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these rules and the bye-laws operate separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
24.4 Even if the company delays in enforcing the contract (which incorporates these rules and the bye-laws), it can still enforce it later. If the company does not insist immediately that a member does anything it is required to do under these rules and/or the bye-laws, or if the company delays in taking steps against a member in respect of its breaking these rules and/or the bye-laws, that will not mean that the member does not have to do those things and it will not prevent the company taking steps against that member at a later date. For example, if a member misses a payment and the company does not chase that member but continues to allow that member access to the club, the company can still require that member to make the payment at a later date.
24.5 These rules and the bye-laws are governed by English law and a member can bring legal proceedings in respect of the services of the club in the English courts. If a member lives in Scotland such member can bring legal proceedings in respect of the services of the club in either the Scottish or the English courts. If a member lives in Northern Ireland such member can bring legal proceedings in respect of the services of the club in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.
The company may make bye-laws for the regulation and management of the club (‘bye-laws’) and may amend or revoke any bye-laws so made at any time; but no bye-law shall be inconsistent with these rules. In the event of any ambiguity or conflict arising between the terms of these rules and the bye-laws, the terms of these rules shall prevail.
Every member shall be bound by these rules and any bye-laws and every member shall ensure that all guests permitted to attend the club in accordance with these rules and/or bye-laws shall comply with these rules and any bye-laws.
1.1 Members and guests will be admitted to the members’ areas of the club during normal hours of admission. Please note, these are subject to change from time to time.
Normal hours of admission:
Monday – Friday 8am – 11pm Saturday 9am – 11PM Sunday/closed
(subject to change)
2.1 All table reservations must be made through the reservations team.
2.2 All bookings and cancellations for club events, private parties, and business events must be made through the office of the Secretary.
2.3 Places for club events will only be reserved or issued upon receipt of advance payment by credit or debit card.
2.4 Refunds in respect of any events, private parties, and business events booked by any members will be governed by the relevant contract entered into between the relevant member and the club. In the event that such contract does not contain any provision(s) in respect of refunds, the refunds will only be made if cancellation is received by the office of the Secretary at least 48 hours before the relevant event.
2.5 Cancellations within 24 hours of the reservation date may be subject to a cancellation fee as determined by the company from time to time.
3.1 No child under the age of 18 will be admitted to the club.
4.1 Overcoats, umbrellas, briefcases, large portfolios, parcels, and bags must be left in the cloakroom without exception and are left entirely at a member’s own risk.
4.2 Luggage and bicycles are not permitted to be stored in the cloakroom or anywhere else in the club.
No food or drink shall be consumed unless purchased from the club.
At present, we do not allow corkage in any of the club’s.
7.1 Members and their guests must adhere to the club’s smart dress code when visiting The Harley Lounge.
7.2 No sportswear, no hoodies, no caps, no trainers, smart casual.
8.1 Non-prescription drugs are not permitted on the club’s premises at any time. The consumption, possession and/or distribution of illegal substances by whatever means is strictly prohibited and any member or guest found or suspected to be in possession of such substances will be ejected and reported to the police.
8.2 Any member found guilty of or suspected to be consuming or bringing illegal substances onto the club’s premises, or whose guest is found guilty of or is suspected to be guilty of such acts, will have their membership terminated with immediate effect.
No illegal betting, wagering or game with dice (except Backgammon for no stake) shall take place on the club premises, nor shall any game of hazard or chance be played.
10.1 Members may introduce guests who have attained the age of 18 years.
10.2 Only guests who have attained the age of 21 years may have access to The Harley Lounge.
10.3 A member may entertain a maximum of 3 guests when visiting the club for drinks and 5 on any other visit to the club unless a private party or dining reservation has been confirmed in advance with the Secretary.
10.4 A guest entering the club must be accompanied by a member and may not be separated from the member while in the club. Guests may not remain in the club in the absence of the host member.
10.5 If a member wishes to introduce more than 3 guests, prior arrangements must be made with the Secretary or manager on duty.
10.6 Members shall make these guests aware of the privacy notice at all times.
10.7 Each guest must be signed in by the host member.
10.8 Guests who arrive at the club in advance of their host member will be seated, but in the event the member does not arrive, they will be asked to leave. Guests must remain with a member for the duration of their visit and may not remain in the club without the host member.
11.1 Intoxicating liquor may be supplied to members and their guests for consumption on or off the premises.
11.2 Alcoholic beverages may be supplied to persons attending a private or previously arranged event if a member is present.
11.3 The consumption of alcohol will be permitted during the general licensing hours in force subject to such extensions as may be available to the club.
11.4 No person under the age of 18 will be supplied with wines or spirits by the club, except in accordance with current licensing laws.
12.1 Mobile devices must be set to silent or vibrate mode at all times.
12.2 Members or their guests who cause a nuisance in such a manner will have their equipment confiscated and may be asked to leave the club.
13.1 In consideration of the club’s neighbors, members are required to leave the premises quietly at all times and to ensure the quiet departure of the guests. There is a curfew of 6.00 pm in the garden by which time all members and their guests must exit the space and return inside the club premises.
13.2 There is a strict 6.00 pm curfew on all outside spaces. Any audible noise from balconies that may be considered a disturbance to neighbors of the club will be addressed by the management, and the full cooperation of the member or hotel resident is required.
14.1 The club enforces a strict no photography, no videography, and no social media policy. Discretion is important to us, and we ask that members are respectful of their fellow members and honor one another’s privacy.
14.2 No photos or videos may be taken of children or in circumstances which may cause a nuisance to the club or any other member or their guests. Any permitted photos or videos may only be used in accordance with these bye-laws.
The company and the club will not accept responsibility for post received or delivered to the club premises. Letters and parcels will not be forwarded to a member’s private address or any other address.
16.1 The club’s privacy notice, which is available on the club’s website, sets out the terms on which the club processes any personal data of members (or their guests), or that members (or their guests) provide to the club or company.
16.2 The club respects the privacy of its members and their guests and requires that each member and their guests do the same. The club has a strict ‘no press’ policy. Members and their guests may not disclose, publish, identify or discuss, in any form or any medium (including on any social media, networking, or other platform) any matter or event relating to any other member or their guests, or be relating to any private event or member event held at or organized by the club, or which was seen or heard in any part of the club (including the nightclub, or the hotel rooms or other areas or facilities), without the express prior written consent of both the company and the members and other individuals concerned in each case.
16.3 The identity of members and their guests is strictly confidential. Members and their guests must refrain from identifying any members or their guests without the express prior written consent of both the company and the members and other individuals concerned in each case.
No pet policy.
18.1 Smoking is not permitted in any area of the club
18.2 Smoking may be permitted in:
18.3 Members and their guests are not permitted to smoke on the front step of the club or immediately outside the club.
18.4 The use of e-cigarettes or similar is not permitted within the club.
All rights reserved and terms and conditions © The Harley Lounge 2023